Didn't love it as much as the first book, a darker shade of Magic.

A Gathering of Shadows - V.E. Schwab

I didn't hate this book by any means, it just took me awhile to really get into the storyline. I will have to say that, it could have been just my mood at the time. I might do a reread of the whole series, sometime next year, and who knows, maybe the rating will change. But for right now, I have to go with this rating. 

I loved the Magic tournament in the book, kind of gave me a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire vibe. The characters I freaking love, especially Rhy, and Kell, and there relationship as brothers. The world building and Magic system is just plain awesome. I am also currently reading a conjuring of light, and that book, is giving me a whole lot of feelings. I still would recommend this series and this book, too readers that love this type of world, and have some awesome and amazing characters and a bad ass, female like Lila Bard.