It was an alright read.

What the Woods Keep - Katya de Becerra

Really don't have much to say in regards to this book. I really didn't care for the characters so much. It wasn't the worst book in the world but it wasn't the best, it was just a ok book. I don't know what it was but I just didn't enjoy as much as I was anticipating. I can't even remember the characters names, and I don't really want to find the book, just to look up their names. I think it's because I read one of my absolute favorite books of the year before I finished this book, and that book was Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton. 

So just take my review at face value, and read it for yourself. I didn't like the ending of the book either, I don't know if there is going to be other books, or if this is a stand alone, but to me, the ending was left off in such away, that the story could be continued. 

Also I am going to try and review other books, that I have read and haven't gotten around to reviewing yet, or just forgot to review. So in the next day, and coming weeks, I am going to try and get all of them up on my blog.