Loved it a lot more than the first one!!!!!!

Now I Rise (The Conqueror's Trilogy) - Kiersten White

I really loved this one was really a lot of killings in this one.

I really enjoyed Radu in this one, but I wish he wouldn't be so loyal to Mehmen. I just don't understand what Radu or Lada sees in that guy at all. I don't even like when his in the book he makes me sick!!!!! 

Speaking about Lada I still have a love hate relationship with her at the end of this book, just like in the first one. I can understand why she does what she does in this book, but I don't like innocence individuals getting killed. No matter if there babies, young kids, men, women, etc. 

I really like Cyprian, and I hope his in the next book, and that he doesn't die or Radu for that matter. Because I would love if those two would get together at the end. I also really like Nicolae on Lada's part of the story, as well as Stefan. I am not sure how I feel about Bogdan at this point. 

I really can't wait to see what happens next, so is going to die and who will survive in the end!!!! I hope Radu's "wife" Nazira. survives as well!!!! 

Thanks so much to the publisher, Author, and the website NetGalley for the approval of this book, when I requested it. My opinion is mined completely and no one else's!!!!