Really Wish I could have enjoyed it more.

Berserker - Emmy Laybourne

I guess you can't give all books 4 or 5 stars. I thought I would really enjoy this book more, so I guess that's why I am sad that I couldn't give this book such a score. I did finish the book but I skipped about 50 pgs, and I hate doing that.

Owen is such a sweetie and of course he was my favorite, I loved the dream he has and I hope it happens for him. I also really started to like Hanne more but I hate that it took until almost the end of the book for that to happen. I still didn't care that much for her sister Sissel, hopefully in other books she starts to be so less fragile and help around more. Maybe that will come when she gets her power whatever that may be.

I did like the ending and I also hope Owen and Hanne get a happy ending. And I hope the rest of Hanne's family gets a happy ending as well. I also loved that it didn't end in a cliffhanger, but leaves things open ended.

I would love to think the Author and publisher as well as Netgalley for granting me my request for this book. My grade for this book is my own and no one else's.

I think I will read the next one whenever it comes out even with my low rating for the first book. Because I do want to see what happens next in the book.