So freaking awesome and amazing and all types of feelings!!!!
Wow what a one hell of an amazing and fantastic ride. I just can't believe how much I love this series so far. I am so in love with Elias, and watching him suffer all the time really hurts my heart a whole lot. Boy can't this guy freaking have a little bit of happiness in his life. I am sure A Reaper at the gate is going to freaking hurt or maybe even break my heart. Why what goes down with Elias in this book is a freaking mess. Darn it I want him to have some freaking happiness in his life.
Laia I love so much as well and I think she has grown up a lot in this book and I hope that continues .I didn't care for something that she did in this book but it had to happen in order for what she finds out about to make so type of impact. And it's interesting in regards to something that she is able to do in this book.
Helene I just don't freaking care about her at all and I don't know if I ever will like it. I don't like what she's becoming at all. I hate to admit this but I found myself staring to skip the pages that has her point of view in it. I really don't care about her family and what she is going through at all. I know that sounds harsh but I can't help how I feel about her. I really want to like her but every time she is the main point of view I like her even less than before.
Marcus I can't stand either but I understand him because he's just plain not a nice individual. Helena i just don't understand how can do the things she's doing. Before that certain thing happened towards the end of the book I could kind of understood but after that could place I just can't understand it. I really hope she is able to change my mind about her.
A lot of killings again in this book and a lot of things took place that were really important and interesting developments .I can't wait until next month for the 3rd book to be released