Really fun book!!!!

I really thought this was a really good book, but its definitely not as good as the six of crows. I did really enjoy both of the main characters of Enne and Levi. The reason I said that it wasn't as good as Six of Crows is because it has been compared or at least mentioned that it has a six of crows vibe to it
I just think why I don't think it's as good, is because Levi isn't as tough or as cunning as Kaz.
I did love the cast of characters and thought that Enne really started to get stronger as the book went on. Levi I really liked but I think our of the two Enne grow a lot more as the story progressed. I did like that while you know those two likes one another it wasn't even close to being the main part of the plot.
I really wish it would have had a better ending than it did at least that's how I feel. I also figured out a few things before it was even revealed. Those two reasons are why I didn't give the book 5/5 stars l. But it was a very fun book to be able to read. I also liked and this isn't a spoiler because it's mentioned in the blurb. But I loved that Enne was the one that had to save Levi.
I am so happy that owlcrate put this book in there April crate