Book tour for Nyxia Unleashed for Rock star book tours.

About the Book:
Title: NYXIA UNLEASHED (The Nyxia Triad #2)
Author: Scott Reintgen
Pub. Date: July 17, 2018
Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Pages: 400
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Audible, B&N, iBooks, TBD
Getting to Eden brought Emmett and his crewmates one step closer to their promised fortune. But surviving Eden may be the biggest reward of all. Discover book two in the trilogy Marie Lu called, “a high-octane thriller.”
Emmett Atwater thought Babel’s game sounded easy. Get points. Get paid. Go home. But it didn’t take long for him to learn that Babel’s competition was full of broken promises, none darker or more damaging than the last one.
Now Emmett and the rest of the Genesis survivors must rally and forge their own path through a new world. Their mission from Babel is simple: extract nyxia, the most valuable material in the universe, and play nice with the indigenous Adamite population.
But Emmett and the others quickly realize they are caught between two powerful forces—Babel and the Adamites—with clashing desires. Will the Genesis team make it out alive before it’s too late?
My Review
This book just had me from the beginning of the book, until the very last page. One thing I love about this Author is that his not afraid to kill people off. I also love how he was able to pull in from the very start.
My favorite character is definitely Emmett, without no doubt .I also really loved Emmett's love interest, I can't think of her name right now, sorry.
I really don't want to say to much because of spoilers, and I don't know how about doing that without spoiling things. I will say certain characters do things in this book that you wouldn't expect .And that there were a lot of surprises, throughout the whole book. And you'll definitely wish you had the next book in your hands. I know I sure wish I had it in my greedy little hands!!!!
About Book 1:
Title: NYXIA (The Nyxia Triad #1)
Author: Scott Reintgen
Pub. Date: May 4, 2018
Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Pages: 377
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Audible, B&N, iBooks, TBD
Emmett Atwater isn’t just leaving Detroit; he’s leaving Earth. Why the Babel Corporation recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on their contract has him boarding their lightship and hoping to return to Earth with enough money to take care of his family.
Before long, Emmett discovers that he is one of ten recruits, all of whom have troubled pasts and are a long way from home. Now each recruit must earn the right to travel down to the planet of Eden—a planet that Babel has kept hidden—where they will mine a substance called Nyxia that has quietly become the most valuable material in the universe.
But Babel’s ship is full of secrets. And Emmett will face the ultimate choice: win the fortune at any cost, or find a way to fight that won’t forever compromise what it means to be human.
About Scott:
Scott Reintgen was always a back-row dreamer. As early as kindergarten, teachers noticed his tendency to stare out of classroom windows and disappear to more interesting elsewheres. In high school, he began laboring away on the opening chapter of his first fantasy novel. One of his favorite English teachers agreed to read the pages and the very next day she switched him (illegally) out of Spanish and into a Creative Writing class. The story got tossed eventually, but he never lost the confidence he was given by that single act of empowering faith.
Convinced he would one day be a writer, Scott spent most of college and graduate school investing in the world of literature. This eventually led to a career teaching English and Creative Writing in North Carolina. He strongly believes that every student who steps into his classroom has the right to see themselves, vibrant and victorious and on the page. It’s his hope to encourage a future full of diverse writers. As he’s fond of reminding his students, “You have a story to tell and you’re the only one who can tell it.”
As for his own writing, Scott continues to follow in the footsteps of his favorite authors. It was Tolkien who once wrote, “The fairy gold (too often) turns to withered leaves when it is brought away. All I can ask is that you, knowing all these things, will receive my withered leaves, as a token at least that my hand once held a little of the gold.” And Scott hopes his books are a trail of withered leaves that might lead readers to the bright elsewheres through which he constantly finds himself wandering.
He currently lives in North Carolina with his wife, Katie, and family.
Note: I went with this website domain instead of http://www.scottreintgen.com because, let’s be honest, my name’s really hard to pronounce. Rather than make people suffer through trying to spell it every time, I thought this would be easier!