Still not a favorite from the series.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré

So on my YouTube channel I am participating in a readalong called potterwatch. Each month we are reading a Harry Potter book and watching the film that goes with it. Last month we did the first book and first movie. So this month it's book 2 turn. I still have to watch the movie for the book.

So this is only my second time reading this book, I never reviewed it before, because at the time the book first came out, I just read books and didn't rate them. If I would have back then, it would have probably been only 3 1/2 stars, but on the reread, u really felt I liked it much more this time around. I love the flying car scenes, the ending scene with Harry and Dobby. Things I didn't like and annoyed me was any scenes with Lockhart, and any scenes with Heromine and Molly, falling for what he was trying to sell. Heromine is suppose to be so freaking smart, but falls for that shit. And at first Dobby gets on my freaking nerves, but of course I start to love my adorable little house elf. 

Really can't wait to read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the first time I read it, I would say it was my favorite book and movie as well. So I can't wait to see if any of the positions of my book love changes. 

I will tell you my least to favorite, which I told you already my favorite and least favorite. 

7. chamber of secrets. 

6.the Goblet of fire 

5. The sorcerer's stone 

4. Order of the Phoenix 

3. The half blood Prince 

2. The Deathly Hallows 

1. The prisoner of Azkaban. 

So there we go