A Cute short read.

So this is a retailing of beauty and the beast for 8 thur 12 year olds. Its definitely a different take on the beauty and the beast story that's for sure. If you're in a mood to be a kid for a day or 2 than you should read this book. The book is nothing earthshaking but I enjoy the plot. And I really loved both Angel and Bavar. Bavar is my favorite of the two, but I think that's because he doesn't want to do what he knows he needs to do, but his got that call in his veins. Angel is the one that wants to fight and if you read the book, you'll find out why Angel wants to fight and Bavar doesn't. I only gave it 3 1/2 *, because it was a little young for me, which of course is because I am way past the age group for this book. Also just because I wish a few things were better explained and I wanted to know how one certain thing tied up. But it was a fun read, had characters you could really root for. And there were some funny moments that had me totally cracking up. So I am glad I bought and read this cute little read. I started the book yesterday, I could have finished it the same day but I wanted it to last just a little bit longer. Which is exactly what a book should make you want to do.