Very disappointing read for me.

When I heard about this book and finding out that there was going to be an assassin in it and a mysterious scroll(sorry if I spelled the word wrong,) in it. I thought it would be my type of book, boy even my friend that I was buddy reading it with, though I was going to love it. My friend didn't even finish it, and the only reason I didn't dnf it is because I was also reading it for a readathon I was participating in.
My main problem was I think the author was trying to give you a lot of information at one time. The problem is that so much stuff was going on and my mind couldn't process it all. So I was very confused on what was going on. I thought the characters were ok, my favorite character was Kage who was the assassin and also had a sword that had a demon inside of it. I forgot what the main girl character name was. She was an okay character, but not a favorite character.
I did love the different places we got to visit and some of the characters we meet on the way.
After saying all of that, I do think I will try and read the second book, because I really loved how it ended. But I wouldn't have it on my must have books list.